Wednesday, July 25, 2007


The 7th and final installment of the Harry Potter Book was released last Monday July 23, 2007. Its entitled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. As what I have read it sold over an incredible 8.3 million copies in its first 24 hours. So having my limited knowledge of arithmetic by my side I would say the book averaged more than 345,000 copies in sales per hour - that's more than 5,750 a minute - or 96 books a second!... WHAAAAT?. That book is way overrated....

Anyway to be honest I'm also a fan of the book not the movie, the BOOK. But I've never bought one for my own actually. Its either I borrowed it from the Library or downloaded it via Internet. Yeah I know I'm cheap and proud of it. But today downloading e-books trough the net had become such a hassle what with all of those fake fan fictions lurking about. How the hell can I tell if that e-book is authentic or not. The book I might download could be just some lame ass book written by some die hard Harry Potter geeks.

But "meh" It's not like I really have the time to read books nowadays. Because life just got a little bit busier than busy...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Post Prelim Paradox

Whew… The prelims went by really fast and now its already the midterms time sure flies when your having fun. But when your after a deadline its like its in warp speed or something. Well anyway its grades submission time so I guess I have to once again take out my ever so trusted Dart Board and Give my students their respective grades. :p

The Prelims to me went really well. And now its time for the Midterm. As I've heard we only have 4 weeks in our Midterm rather than the usual 5 before the exam week. Its because the Intramurals is just around the corner. This is gonna be fun. But still I have my reasons to not want it. So yeah its really confusing.

Project Genesis

This is my blog. It’s called The Digital Junkyard. Why a junkyard you ask?…. Well I’ll tell you why. Firstly, It’s because I want to!....... Secondly this is a junkyard because this is where Im gonna throw all my random thoughts about the world and anything about it. And like a junkyard people can come to this place freely and look trough my junks as the famous quote that says "One man’s trash is another man’s treasure". But also remember the quote "Who is more foolish the fool who fools people or the fool who was fooled by the fool". But I have my very own quote too.... "meh…"

Also I created this blog for my Class to help them develop writing skills or so I hope. Also having a blog should help them become Web savvies. Plus most people spend too much time on friendster so I have to find some way to disturb them...... Yeah that’s right Im talking to you…. You know who you are. This is my Project Genesis and it has begun.